Read our history
Our Historical
Progression process
FLUIDI CORPORATION with an experience of over 2 decades, started its production in September of 1994, with the production of "Extra juices", carbonated drinks in 1.5L plastic packaging, successfully breaking into the local market.
With increasing demand from buyers,
FLUIDI Corporation has increased its capacities,
launched the most contemporary technology of the countries
developed in Europe.
That FLUIDI Corporation is in step with the times,
this is best shown by the investment made.
In March 2003, it was the year when the world taste brand Jaffa Champion started its journey bringing to all consumers a wide range of drinks with high fruit content as well as variety of flavors.
In a short period of time,
Jaffa Champion managed to break boundaries by penetrating the regional and global market.
Founded with the main purpose to offer organic, refreshing and quality products for all age groups, the Jaffa Champion brand can now be found in various packages:
– 1.5L Plastik – 0.5L Plastik – 0.2L Qelq – 0.25L
– Kanaqe – 0.25 Sport Cap – 0.2 Pouch
The evaluation that was made to the brand by the consumers, made the brand
world to follow the trend also in taste by bringing for
its consumers new tastes from year to year;
Strawberries, Oranges, Cherries, Cherries, Peaches, Apples, Multivitamins, Ice Tea, Pineapples, etc. These are just some of the flavors of the world brand.
Accomplishing the main objective since the establishment, in addition to receiving high praise from customers
around the globe, made the brand certified with two international licenses for the application of practices
best in production; ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP.
In 2013, Jaffa Champion received the award as the number 1 exporter in the country.
In 2014 it is certified with the IFS award.
In 2015 it was certified for the global food safety standard
In 2018, it received the Halal certificate
Fluidi Corporation's priority continues to be high customer care.
Delivering high quality based on practices
international best.
– Ndjekjen e trendeve dhe prurjen e shijeve të reja.
– Shtrirje globale.
– Ekip të motivuar drejt sukseseve të përbashkëta
and more high responsibility.
Our vision is for our products to be consumed internationally, believing that we are the ones who are bringing changes to the local economy, but also continuing to contribute to sustainability and
improving the social, health and environmental conditions of the community, and also believing that we are doing our best to strengthen the business spirit in favor of the community where we operate.